Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My conversion story

Over the years, I've been interested in politics and I've hated politics, sometimes (usually) at the same time.  Once, I even ran for Utah State House of Representatives as a member of the Constitution Party.  One may say the Constitution Party is even more conservative than the Republicans.  In some cases it is.  It is interesting that many of the reasons I joined the Constitution Party as a conservative are the same as why I converted to Democrat.

I've been pondering many of our governments actions over the past several years and I've determined I am more comfortable as a Democrat than a Conservative.  Some of the things I've thought about include:

-Wars in diverse places, where our soldiers are sent to be peacekeepers or warriors to fight out another countries battles.  U.S. civilians may not be at too much risk, but our nations defensive capabilities are compromised when we are too worried about the borders in Afghanistan.  The Constitution Party wanted the U.S. out of other countries business.  The Democrats want the U.S. military to focus on the U.S..

-Secret combinations where so many of our government decisions are secretly made behind closed doors.  An example of this is the recent redistricting of our State.  The government spent a fortune holding public meetings and then in closed door meetings our "representatives" made laws ignoring those same public comments.  Republicans and Democrats both hold closed door meetings; however, I believe the Democrats are "more open" than the Republicans.

-Discrimination/bullying.  I am appalled at the way some people treat others.  We should treat others the way we would want to be treated.  Government has a role to protect victims of violence regardless of the reason.  The Constitution Party wanted all similar crimes to have similar punishments (no hate crime designations) and Republicans seem to want to ignore the issue.  The Democratic Party seems to be the only one serious about protecting people from discrimination/bullying.

-Environmental protection.  The Constitution Party and Republicans would get rid of many environmental protection programs as too much government intrusion.  I wanted to see corporations making decisions to benefit their communities and the environment.  I have come to realize that most corporations are not going to make those types of good decisions unless compelled to.  The fact is, we all breathe, eat, and drink.  If the government isn't setting minimum requirements to protect the air, food, and water, who will?

-Financial protection.  The free market is great- when it is also fair.  The financial structure is currently so unfair that it is no longer a free market.  Take the $5 debit card fee Bank of America was considering.  Consider this: the fee would have been assessed on all accounts except those with high deposit balances and/or multiple accounts - so who would have actually payed the fee? The poor people.  Another example is the credit card industry where customers earn rewards on the purchases they make, but those who have more money to spend earn greater rewards.  Certain customers who are determined to have greater spending potential may get special offers to earn $100 in rewards for making a single purchase, while others with lower potential may get a special offer to earn $1 on a single purchase.  The rich get richer, and the poor stay poor.  Both the Constitution Party and Republicans want banks to set their own rules.  (full disclosure- I am employed by a credit card company but my opinion is my own)

It is amazing as I look at the issues, how I once thought I had to be conservative to be true to my beliefs.  I am now learning that it makes more sense for me to be a Democrat.  The values my parents taught and that I learn by reading the scriptures are more compatible with a Democratic viewpoint.  I don't agree with 100% of every Democratic Party platform, but I truly believe the Democratic Party is more closely aligned with my beliefs.